What Are the Benefits of Using eGift Cards for Employee Incentives?

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Whether you want to thank them for going the extra mile or motivate them to meet key KPIs, eGift cards are a great way to show your employees you appreciate them. Research shows that not only do employees want to be rewarded, but also that they prefer flexible incentives like eGift cards.

Our latest employee survey found:

  • 80% say receiving rewards and/or recognition from their employer makes them feel valued and/or recognized for their efforts.
  • 75% say receiving rewards and/or recognition positively impacts their loyalty to their employer.
  • 72% say they are extremely focused on finishing projects and/or achieving goals when they know they can earn rewards.
  • 82% cite gift cards and prepaid cards as their preferred type of reward, ahead of bonuses (49%) and additional vacation days (40%).
  • 57% want to receive those prepaid and gift cards digitally.

From an employer’s standpoint, the team’s preferences aren’t the only reason to use eGift cards for incentives. Here are some other benefits of making eGift cards part of your employee incentives program.

Benefit 1: Ability to Give in Any Denomination

It’s very easy to offer eGift cards of different values, allowing you to customize the rewards for every need. Sometimes giving one employee a $10 eGift card for coffee is all that’s called for. Other times, you need to reward your entire sales team for meeting their quarterly sales goal with a $1,000 reward. You can also choose an exact amount that fits a theme — $250 for 250 new customers coming on board that quarter, for example.

Benefit 2: Redemption Flexibility

Using eGift cards as employee incentives allows flexibility well beyond just the value, with more options during the delivery and redemption process. With the right platform to help you distribute rewards, you can often choose to send rewards via email or SMS, depending on the situation and goals. The best employee incentives tools also let you offer a selection of eGift cards so that recipients can choose the one that’s most appealing to them. Recipients get flexibility in how they spend their incentives as well, thanks to the ability to add many rewards to a digital wallet, allowing eGift cards to be spent in store.

Benefit 3: Fast, Convenient Delivery

In today’s digital work environment, with so many remote and hybrid employees, no one has the patience to wait for a physical card to arrive in the mail. What’s more, shipping rewards adds unnecessary hassle and cost for your company.

Because eGift cards are digital, you can send them quickly and easily right through email or SMS, for free. Even better, with an integrated platform, you can give those eGift cards to employees in real time through tools like Microsoft Teams. Either way, there’s no extra line item in your incentives budget for envelopes and postage.

Benefit 4: Simplified Global Incentives

When creating an employee incentives program, employers have to make sure not to neglect their teams in other countries, whether they work in a global office or remotely. Sending eGift cards instead of company branded merchandise or even physical gift cards means you won’t have to pay high international shipping rates to incentivize your employees all over the world.

Benefit 5: Built-In Personalization

You can personalize eGift cards by including custom messages in the delivery email or text. Call out the specific reason for the reward, whether it’s a work anniversary, product launch, or hit quota. You can also choose an incentive you know your employee would love, offer them the ability to choose their own eGift card, or give them a prepaid Visa or Mastercard they can spend anywhere those payments are accepted.

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